Configure your hardware and adjust your harness to optimize your individual comfort in combination with the safety belt system of your aircraft.
Main Lift Web very quick and easy adjustable to your size. Use the safety keepers to stow the extra length of the harness straps out of your way
You can choose the extremely flat safety buckle for chest- and leg straps
Pick the best WINGMAN form and size to match your individual needs for a maximum in comfort and safety.
Square technology
3 different Parachute sizes to match your weight
3 different container sizes for your comfort and best fit into your cockpit
Back pad removable and washable
B-12, not adjustableV-Ring, adjustable
QFE, adjustable V-Ring, not adjustable
B-12, adjustableV-Ring, not adjustable
QFE, not adjustableV-Ring, adjustable
Chest buckle wide(standard)
Five steps to easy change position of Automatic deployment Line (StaticLine) on WINGMAN :
1.View onto the Static Line in front position
2.Open the Velcro fastener
3.Move the Static Line Line tot he upper position, where Velro fastener ends
4. Static Line correctly routed behind Velcro Fastener
5.Velcro fastener closed
6.Sample of alternative hook type
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